Event time:
Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 5:00pm
HQ 276
320 York Street
New Haven Event description:
Spencer Kornhaber (The Atlantic) will be in New Haven for a Book Talk on his newest book, On Divas. The event will feature a talkback with the author, moderated by Professor Joe Fischel and Jasper Eastman (YSE PhD candidate).
A collection of essays on musicians, celebrities, and aesthetic movements and moments that, taken together, characterizes the often used, yet widely misunderstood term diva. On Divas offers readers an original understanding of an age-old phenomenon by drawing together figures as diverse as Beyoncé, Björk, and Donald Trump. With keen insight and genuine enthusiasm, Spencer Kornhaber illustrates how willfulness, pleasure, spectacular self-involvement, and the public’s blend of adoration and resentment define divadom.
Open to:
General Public