WLH 309 Room Use Policy

The policy around events may change as cases of COVID-19 rise. Please stay tuned to the policy for Events, Gatherings, & Meetings as you consider events for WLH 309.


WLH room 309, located on the 3rd floor of William L. Harkness Hall, is a common space overseen by the Program in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and LGBT Studies.  Moe Gardner and Ellen Cupo manage reservations for WGSS and LGBTS faculty and all other departmental requests. The official room schedule is kept by WGSS through 25Live. Reservations can be made up to one month in advance, and are honored on a first come, first served basis. Academic and administrative events receive precedence in scheduling. Room 309 cannot be reserved for course-related purposes.


Room 309 has seating available to accommodate 36. The maximum capacity for the room is 50.

How to Request WLH 309

For all departments, click here to request the room and search for “WLH 309.”

Who Can Reserve WLH 309

  • Reservations can be made by any German, WGSS, and LGBTS related faculty or staff member for special events, meetings, and receptions. On-going Yale classes are not permitted to be scheduled in WLH 309. Requests for Yale College classes should be directed to classrooms@yale.edu. Any other academic departments at Yale should make their requests using 25Live.
  • Requests by student organizations related to WGSS, and LGBTS can be made by a faculty sponsor who will assume administrative responsibility for the use of the room especially after regular business hours (9:00 am to 5:00 pm) and on weekend days. Room 309 cannot be reserved for course-related purposes.

Rules & Regulations for using WLH 309

  • Catering and food is allowed in WLH 309. Clean up and proper disposal of food and beverages is the responsibility of the faculty member or designated group leader. Do not leave ANY items  behind, especially food. This includes paper goods, beverages, etc.  
  • You are required to leave Rm 309 the way that you found it. If you will be serving food, rearranging furniture, etc., please plan for appropriate clean-up. If your catered event is after-hours, you will need to submit a Facilities Service Request at https://your.yale.edu/yale-link/facilities-work-request-fwr.
  • Use of alcohol is governed by the Yale Policies on Social Functions and Alcohol use: http://catalog.yale.edu/undergraduate-regulations/regulations/alcohol/
  • Open flames, including candles and use of fireplace are prohibited in WLH 309.
  • Please do not use or remove anything from Rm 309 that does not belong to you or your group.