May 26, 2015

WREXHAM PRIZE for the best Yale College senior essay
- Chamonix A. Adams Porter, Private Universities, Public Policies: Spheres of Influence and Sexual Misconduct at Yale
STEERE Prize in Women’s Studies
- Taylor Nicolas, ”Who Was Your Grandfather on Your Mother’s Side?” Law, Seduction, and Racial Identity in 1932 Virginia
LILY ROSEN Prize in Women’s Health:
- Olivia Rosenthal, The Road to Roe: Sterilization, Contraception, and Abortion in Charlotte, North Carolina, 1943-1974
SHANA ALEXANDER Research Fellowship in WGSS:
- Rebecca Bakal, Innovations in Reentry: The Birth Justice Project Doula Training Program & Internship at ANSIRH
- Emily Hays, Anti-Rape Movements in India
- Dianne Lake, Female Empowerment in Post-conflict Societies
ELGA WASSERMAN AWARD is given to a senior who has shown extraordinary commitment to the advancement of social justice and gender equality at Yale College
- Chamonix Amelia Adams Porter