January 20, 2016
- Performativity and Social Change T.L. Cowan | W 9.25-11.15 LC 104
Exploration of the relation between gender and sexuality and activist expressive cultures. Focus on how these cultures enact social change through cultural productions, performances, and embodied activist art practices. Special attention to Canadian and United States contexts.
- Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Global South Andrew Dowe | T 2.30-4.20 WALL 81, 301
Comparative exploration of relationships between race, gender, sexuality and nation in contemporary Anglophone Caribbean and South Africa in literature, memoir, film and visual arts. Emphasis on transnational approaches to questions of identity, hybridity, citizenship, rights, migration, and visibility in interdisciplinary scholarship.
- Transgender Cultural Production T.L. Cowan | M 3.30-5.20 WLH 202
Introduction to Trans- Studies, with focus on transfeminist cultural production in the United States and Canada. Exploration of key theoretical texts; activist histories and archives; and wide range of expressive cultures, including film and video, performance, spoken word, memoir, blogging, and other new media.
OTHER WGSS COURSE OFFERINGS - not new, but still great!
- History of Sexuality, Maria Trumpler TTH 2.30-3.45 WLH 112
- Globalizing Gender & Sexuality, Vanessa Agard-Jones W 2.30-4.20 LC 209
- Sexual Politics, 1960 to Present, Margaret Homans TTh 1.00-2.15 WLH 202
- Men, Manhood, & Masculinity, Graeme Reid Th 9.25-11.15 WLH 001
- Constructing the Self: From Autobiography to Facebook, Geetanjali Chanda T 1.30-3.20 WLH 012
- Popular Culture & Postcolonial India, Geetanjali Chanda W 1.30-3.20 WLH 115
- Photography, History, & Memory, Laura Wexler W 2.30-4.20 YUAG 039
- Virginia Woolf, Margaret Homans WF 1.00-2.15 WLH 112