Single-Term Senior Essay Instructions and Registration Form

This form is to be completed by those students who have chosen to fulfill the senior essay requirement by taking an upper-level (350 or above) seminar and writing their senior essay in the seminar with permission of the instructor and WGSS DUS.

In the seminar, the student is not to complete any assignments, save for course readings and course attendance. Instead, the student and the instructor will agree on a schedule for submitting drafts for review.

Upon completion of the course and no later than the final day of Reading Period, you must submit an essay of at least thirty pages or its sanctioned equivalent (with prior approval by instructor/advisor and DUS before registration) to your instructor, the WGSS DUS and WGSS Registrar. The instructor will issue a grade for the essay during grading period, and that grade will be the seminar grade as well.

Please note: if you will be writing the one-term essay in the Spring, the deadline for senior essay prizes is in early April, before grading period. To be considered for a senior essay prize, students must submit a full senior essay by early April deadline. The essay does not need to be graded or fully finished to be considered for a prize.

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