WGSS is delighted to welcome Liz Montegary to its faculty. Liz will be a Lecturer in WGSS for the 2011-2012 academic year. She recently completed a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies...
Jonathan D. Katz, a scholar of post war art and culture from the vantage point of sexual difference, is Director of the Doctoral Program in Visual Studies at the University...
Eyewitness Testimony Often Lies, CNN Opinion from September 22, 2011. Professor Wexler’s column was written in association wtih the Op-Ed Project of the Yale Women...
David M. Halperin, the 2011-2012 recipient of the James Robert Brudner ‘83 Memorial Prize and Lecture will deliver one of two talks on the Yale campus on October 5th. Visit...
In early September, a Yale team received a $50,000 National Endowment for the Humanities grant to construct an innovative online archive of government-owned photographs taken...
“What happens when sex cells sell? Do human bodies become degraded objects of commerce? Challenging simplistic accounts of commodification, Almeling offers a compelling...
Lip Services: Smiles in Life, Death, Trust, Lies, Work, Memory, Sex, and Politics
An expert in nonverbal communication tackles the science of smiles and their extraordinary...