A WGSS Certificate Alum, Erin L. Thomas is on the Fortune 40 under 40 in Tech list: https://fortune.com/40-under-40/2020/erin-thomas/! In her previous position at Paradigm,...
In the Fight for Policing Reform, LGBT Is a Threadbare Alliance
Pride festivities attempt every year to reinforce the idea of an LGBT community, but when it comes to views...
We, as WGSS faculty members at Yale, stand in solidarity with the protests against the murder of George Floyd, and against state-sanctioned racism and racist police and...
Transgender individuals who undergo gender-affirming surgery are significantly less likely to seek mental health treatment for depression and anxiety disorders or attempt ...
PRIDE New Haven 2019
September 15-22, 2019
PRIDE New Haven is a visible infusion of LGBTQ+ celebratory programming that highlights the culture, art, and history of New Haven...
Roderick Ferguson navigates the intersections between race, sexuality, and social movements
Sine Plambech is appointed as Research Fellow for the academic year 2019/2020. Dr. Sine Plambech is an anthropologist and Senior Researcher at DIIS - Danish Institute for...