Cassidy Gabriel
Cassidy is a Ph.D. student in the combined program in Sociology and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. She is interested in how we think about, manage, and regulate bodies and difference in sport, with a particular focus on sex/gender. Her research focuses on the category of “woman” in sport and understanding how scientific knowledge and expertise is deployed to reify and maintain sex/gender as a binaristic organizing principle within sport and biomedicine. She is interested in the implications of this work on approaches to inclusivity and participation in sport, as well as athlete performance, well-being, and health outcomes. Through a combination of scholarship, community work, and coaching, she aims to foster more positive sporting and movement experiences for women and gender-diverse athletes. She received her B.A. from Columbia University in 2021 with honors in Political Science and a concentration in Women’s and Gender Studies as a Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow.
Areas of Interest:
sex/gender in sport; feminist science and technology studies; sociology and history of the body; embodiment; categories of difference; athlete rights and well-being; sociolegal studies; health and medicine; reproduction