Zahra Abba Omar
Sociology & WGSS
BA, Honours University of Cape Town, 2020
Areas of Interest: Zahra’s research interests focus on health and Science and Technology Studies, and notions of privacy in these two areas. Throughout her research, Zahra is concerned with investigating the dyadic power of technology, how it can be used to reify inequality.
Zahra Abba Omar is a doctoral student in the Sociology and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies departments. She received her BA Honours in Sociology, with distinction, at the University of Cape Town in 2020, where she was a Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow. In 2022, she served as the inaugural Tech Rights Fellow at ALT Advisory, a public interest advisory firm based in Johannesburg, where she drafted policy submissions and reported on international human rights law, digital rights, and questions of social justice in the digital age.